Salmon, Steelhead & Trout
15 and 20 lb. (7 and 10Kg) hatchery Coho
Oregon Anglers strongly endorses the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s development of the “Native Fish Conservation Policy and Guidelines” (December 14, 2001 draft):
“Based on state statute, native fish are wild and hatchery fish indigenous to Oregon and not introduced” (ORS 496.171, ORS 541.351).
“Outcome. Successful implementation of this approach will help:
- Restore or maintain healthy species management units.
- Optimize hatchery programs to enhance fisheries, mitigate for lost or reduced natural production, and conserve species at risk of extinction, consistent with acceptable risks to native fish conservation.
- Facilitate de-listing under state and federal endangered species laws.
- Increase local involvement in fish conservation programs.
- Strengthen local and state influence on federal management of fish, water and land.
- Increase management flexibility and opportunities for resource use resulting from healthy native fish communities.
- Provide a scientific basis for conservation.
- Establish a clear role for hatchery fish.
Oregon’s new Fall Creek Research Hatchery grand opening- Oct. 14,2005. This project will help define the best way to use hatcheries for mitigation and conservation that will aid our wild fish- and keep sport fishing viable.
Oregon Anglers has several associates
Dr. David Noakes, the newly appointed lead scientist for the research hatchery, cuts the ribbon in the ceremony officially opening a new era in Oregon’s hatchery system.
From left: ODFW Commissioner Dan Edge of OSU, ODFW Commission Chair Marla Ray, Governor Kulongosky, ODFW Director Lindsey Ball (whose vision and effort made this center possible), and Dr. Noakes pose for the press.
The research hatchery’s water intake facility and fish ladder on Fall Creek.
As the water come into the facility it goes through this settling pond.
Water from the settling ponds then goes through filtration and the 3 identical engineered streambeds. At the grand opening a pair of steelhead had already set up housekeeping. Water from the streambeds then goes on to be used for raising pens and the laboratories. (not shown here- as well as the labs, residences, and support buildings.)
A boy’s first salmon