
Tony Meeker-(former State Treasurer and Oregon Legislator: served on Natural Resources Committee in both House & Senate, Ways & Means Committee in the Senate, Republican leader in the Senate from ’83 to ’87, served as State Treasurer ’87 to’92)NewportPresident
 John Holloway-(Oregon Anglers’ Ocean Co-Chair, ODFW’s Ocean Sport Fishing Advisory Committee, Groundfish Advisory Panel member of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council, Captain of the Oregon Anglers’ Research Ship.)PortlandSecretary
Fred VanNatta-(Oregon Anglers Legislative Director)
Dennis Richey- Salmon/trout co-chair (Governor’s Coastal Coho Recovery Team, Ocean Sport Fishing Advisory Committee, ODFW’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy Stakeholders, Native Fish Conservation Policy and Hatchery Management Plan Committee, 2005 Fishing Regulation Review Board) West LinnExecutive Director
Mike Harman-(Past Pres. Intermountain West Joint Venture – Ducks Unlimited)Lake Oswego
Raymond Kindley-(Former fisheries biologist, currently practicing law)West Linn
Janice Green-(Oregon Anglers’ Ocean Co-Chair, ODFW’s Ocean Sport Fishing Advisory Committee, Founder of Oregonians for Fish and Fishing, State Chair for the Recreational Fishing Alliance, Former ODFW Restoration & Enhancement Board, past member-Pacific Fishery Management Council-Groundfish Advisory Panel, 2005 Fishing Regulation Review Board), IFISH Salty DogsUmpquaAngler Education
Bruce Harpole-(President, Oregon Fishing Club, Delegate to American Fisheries Society)
Henry Bendinelli- Retired stock brokerPortlandFundraising
Bob ThompsonPortland
Bill Sanderson(Guide & President of Salem Steelheaders, OregonAnglers’ Watershed Council Coordinator)
Mill City
Cindy Heller– Salmon/ trout co-chair (Governor’s Coastal Coho Recovery Team representing STEP, Salmon & Trout Advisory Committee, 2005 Fishing Regulation Review Board, coordinates the STEP fish rearing facility at Letz Creek for the Northwest Steelheaders Emerald Chapter, Founder of Oregonians for Fish & Fishing, 2004 ODFW/STEP volunteer of the year.)Junction City
Walt Svirsky- Software consultantWest LinnWebmaster
Craig Noffsinger-(Mid-Willamette Valley Anglers)Salem
John Ward-(President of South Coast Steelheaders)North Bend
Matt Davey-(Columbia River stakeholders contact)West Linn
Hobart Manns-“The Outback Angler” (Oregon Anglers’ Warm Water Fishery Co-Chair, Host of the “Outback Angler Hour” Saturday mornings at 6:00 A.M. ( radio ) and Washington PBS “Northwest Outdoors” television show)Portland

Advisory Board

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Dr. Don Amend PhD., Fisheries Biologist (retired),
[email protected]
Bruce Buckmaster, President of Bio-Oregon,(a company that recycles salmon carcasses into fish food for hatcheries) Past President of Salmon for All
Dick Noble,Eugene, MS. Fisheries, President of Salmon/Trout Advisory Service
[email protected]
Don Swartz – Milwaukie, retired ODFW Biologist, science advisor for the Northwest Sportsfishing Industry Association
Charlie E. Smith – certified Pathologist and past President, Fish Health Section/American Fisheries Society
Tod Jones – Astoria,Fisheries Project Director, Clatsop County Economic Development Commission,(implemented Alaska’s first salmon egg planting project in Karluk, Alaska, that restored almost extirpated runs of Sockeye. Today, half a million Sockeye are harvested from this reintroduced run.)
Dr. Ernest Brannon, Ph. D. Fisheries – Moscow, Idaho, Director of the Aquaculture Research Institute & Professor of Fisheries Resources, University of Idaho, author of the 2002 final report, ‘Population Structure of Columbia River Basin Chinook Salmon and Steelhead’
Paul Johnson, Engineer – Portland, Oregon, Former ODFW Chief Engineer for hatcheries
Scott LaPatra, Ph. D. Microbiology -Twin Falls, Idaho, Former ODFW fish virologist, American Fishery Society Certified Fish Pathologist
Dr. James Lannon, Professor Emeritas, Oregon State U., (Dr. Lannon recently passed away. He was instrumental in helping Oregon Anglers get established, and guided us in our scientific quest for the truth. He was considered one of the top fisheries experts in the N.W.) Fisheries/ genetics instructor
Dee Burch, President, Advanced American Diving, (A.A. Diving installs many of the fish mitigation measures at the dams. He brings us knowledge of what has and is being done in this area, and what could be improved.)
Dr. Gary Reed, (Research entomologist and superintendent, Dept of Entomology, P.O. Box 105 Hermiston, OR 97838) Oregon State University


Coquille River STEP*

Eel/Tenmile Lakes STEP

Emerald Empire Steelheaders and Letz Creek STEP

Miami River Anglers

Mid-Willamette Valley Anglers

North Santiam River Guides

Oregon Bass & Panfish Club

Oregon Fishing Club

Oregonians for Fish and Fishing

Salem Steelheaders

Tillamook Bay Boating Club

Southwest Steelheaders and Millicoma STEP

* STEP stands for Salmon, Trout Enhancement Program

our statewide volunteer hatchery program.

Up to date regulations: 503-872-5263 or

Report all game violations: 1-800-452-7888

For up to date fishing reports, check the following web sites:

Do you have a fishing tip you’d like to share with Oregon Anglers? If so, please e-mail us at [email protected]

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