The common sense political voice
of the sports fisherman
Oregon Anglers was formed to find ways to meet the needs of both the state’s diverse wildlife, and the practical and economic needs of the communities that depend on the fishers and hunters.
The environmental community has been concentrating so hard on the needs of all species surviving that they lose sight of the needs of our ever increasing population. We believe that there is adequate room to compromise, and come up with a “win-win” consensus that can help wildlife thrive, yet not destroy the economies of Oregon’s communities.
We have carried this message into the development of the Native Fish Conservation Policy, the Hatchery Management Policy, the newly completed statewide Comprehensive Conservation Policy, and the ongoing Coastal Coho Recovery Team. Our representatives are involved with the brand new Research Hatchery Advisory Committee, the Ocean Sportsfishing Advisory Committee, The Pacific Fisheries Management Council ( Groundfish Advisory Panel), the Salmon Trout Advisory Committee, and the Nearshore Management Plan.
We believe that we as anglers share a bountiful resource with other citizens of this state, and we can co-exist by working together toward our common goal: plentiful self-sustaining species for all.
Our all-volunteer group participates in all the above mentioned state and federal endeavors. Our affiliated clubs cover a wide range of interests, but all believe in the concept of strength in numbers and backing one another up.
With this we have become a strong presence in the federal and state planning- and in the State Legislature and U.S. Congress. We have several volunteer state lobbyists, and through the Recreational Fishing Alliance, a strong lobby in Washington D.C.
If you think we are on the right track join our all volunteer effort with either you time or contributions.

It’s bad enough when the sea lions eat a prodigious amount of wild steelhead and salmon, and threaten anglers. This picture shows that now sturgeon are being targeted by the overpopulation of pinepeds. Steve Williams , ODFW’s assistant fisheries director, said “we are very concerned.”
For more info you can call the Oregon Angler office at 503-655-4077, or write to:
Oregon Anglers, P.O. Box 253, West Linn Oregon 97068

40-inch, 20+ lb. (10Kg) hatchery summer
steelhead caught in July 2001 on the Sandy River
The purpose of Oregon Anglers is to further the interests of present and future generations of recreational anglers in our state.
- We promote the interests of Oregon’s sports fishing community by taking a proactive role in government affairs.
- We promote policies and practices that improve and sustain the health of fish habitats and watersheds.
- We work to ensure that hatchery and wild fish management is based on sound scientific research using genetics and current technology.
- We work to increase the opportunity for angler success.
- We can optimize hatchery programs to enhance fisheries, mitigate for lost or natural production, and conserve species at risk of extinction. To bring our hatcheries up-to-date we must fund the improvements.
- Accurate ocean surveys of stocks and spawning and rearing areas are urgently needed. Without this information, any recovery efforts are only aimed at harvest, which is just one of the keys to recovery.
- Warm water species are here to stay, whether they were intentionally introduced or not. We must manage these species as we do salmon, trout, and ocean stocks.
- Habitat restoration and protection remain a top priority.
- We can facilitate de-listing of fish species under state and federal endangered species laws. There are recovery tools available not being used.
- Management of our watersheds must be made basin-by-basin, instead of a “one size fits all” set of rules.
- We must increase local involvement in fish conservation programs.
- We must provide a scientific basis for conservation.
- The human factor must always be considered when planning for wildlife. Economic considerations are an important step in reaching success.
You can help Oregon Anglers make
a difference for the future!
To join the ever growing number of anglers who are uniting to save our sport fishing, go to the “JOIN US” page.