The common sense political voice of sports fishermen
Politics are shaping the future of sports angling. Interest groups throughout the state lobby for dwindling resources, policies, and legislation that impact fishing in Oregon. Several environmental groups are trying to take the remaining percentage of sports fishing license and tag fees going for fishing programs, and divert it to their own pet projects. Most of your license fees already go to non-fishing programs.
Oregon Anglers is a political action committee (PAC) formed by sports fishing advocates to protect and advance our rights and causes. Our PAC is a blend of dedicated volunteers, none drawing any salary for their efforts. We are lucky to have one of the state’s influential and effective lobbyists on our board of directors. All donations go toward advancing sports fishing for today and tomorrow.
We founded Oregon Anglers as a PAC because we can tap the resources of the average angler without it costing him or her a cent! Oregon tax law allows political action contributions to be counted as tax paid, up to the following limits (taken from p.32, “Oregon 2001 Personal Income Tax Forms and Instructions” booklet):
(39) Political Contribution Credit. Fill in your total political contributions, but not more than $100 on a joint return, or $50 on all others. The contribution must have been made during 2001. It must have been a donation of money to any of the following:
- A political party.
- A qualified candidate (or the candidate’s principal campaign committee) for federal, state or local office to be voted for in Oregon.
- A political action committee certified in Oregon.
Oregon Anglers is registered with the Oregon Secretary of State’s office.
Example: If you owe $300 in state income taxes, and have donated donated $100 to Oregon Anglers in that tax year, you pay only $200 to the State (on a joint return).
Together we can make fishing great in Oregon for today and tomorrow. Please join Oregon Anglers to make a difference!
Please print the information on the pledge card below. Fill out all applicable lines and return to the address listed. If you are retired, please indicate so under occupation. If employed by someone else, now you must fill out the blue lines also. This is a new requirement of all PACs to be able to give you your tax credit. If self-employed, be specific about you job.
Oregon Anglers
Pledge Card
The purpose of Oregon Anglers is to represent and protect the interests of Oregon’s recreational fishing community, and to protect our resources for present and future generations.
Oregon Anglers is a “Political Action Committee” under Oregon law.
Oregon Anglers actively lobbies on behalf of anglers statewide. Your contribution is a tax credit to be subtracted from your state taxes, (up to $50 on an individual return, and $100 on a joint return). However any amount will help, and we can accept more than the credit amount.
“Yes, I want to be a part of Oregon Anglers. My contribution is
$____________, which I may deduct from my state income taxes as a credit.
Make checks payable to:
Oregon Anglers
PO Box 253
West Linn, OR 97068
Telephone: (503) 655-4022
E-mail: [email protected]
Fill in complete information.
Required by Secretary of State.
City:__ Zip:_
Employer address:_____
City:_ State: Zip:_
Group Affiliation if any:_
__ I would like to be an Oregon Angler volunteer

A nice coastal Chinook caught by Fred VanNatta, Oregon Anglers Legislative Director.
All Oregon Angler donors will receive our newsletter at least twice a year, and will receive timely updates by e-mail (if you provide your e-mail address). These updates usually are calls to action for emails, calls, or letters to O.D.F.W. or political figures on behalf of sport fishing. This is the demonstration of the power that we can have as fishermen and women, and voters!